Ticket Diversion – Volunteer Service Hours
This ticket diversion program is an option to reduce up to six citations, by working for the Department of Public Safety Events, or Maintenance units. This program is available only for Students one time per academic period (up to three times per year). If a candidate does not complete their shift (walk out) or does not provide notice in advance that they will not be able to cover their shift they will be permanently banned from the program.
Citations may be reduced to warnings in exchange for hours worked as indicated by the following table:
Failure to comply, Restrictive Violations, and Life/Safety Citations will not be eligible for the program and will need to be paid normally. Essentially any citations on the Second price tier that starts at $50, and any Non Tiered Citations like ADA, Fire lanes, DRs, etc. This includes but is not limited to:
- Parking in roadway
- Parking Privileges Revoked
- Parked in an Accessible Space
- Parked in a Fire Lane
- Parked in a Designated Reserve Space
- Vehicle Immobilization Citations
- Blocking another vehicle
- Blocking traffic
- Dumpster area
- Parking in more than one space
- Parking on sidewalks
- Blocking a driveway
- In a crosswalk
- On grass or areas not designated for parking
- Parking in “Boise State Service or Authorized Vehicle Only” spaces without proper permit
Interested in the Program?
Customers interested in the program can reach out to Parkingquestions@51jiyangshi.com with their:
- Name
- Boise State ID number
- Vehicle License Plate
- Citation Number(s) they wish to reduce
If they qualify for the program they will be put in contact with the appropriate team manager to arrange their volunteer shifts.
Ticket Diversion – Bike Program
This ticket diversion program is an option to reduce a $35 citation to a warning, by attending a Bicycle Safety class that helps the Boise State commuter understand more about bicycle transportation.
This class will focus on the basic workings of a bicycle and bicycle rules of the road. The participants will be required to attend a 30-45 minute classroom session followed by a 30-45 minute outdoor riding session, weather permitting*. Plan on meeting at the Cycle Learning Center. Participants are expected to be ready to ride with bicycle and helmet or have arrangements with the Cycle Learning Center to borrow a bicycle and helmet.
If there is no outdoor session, the indoor class session time will be adjusted to cover additional material
For those who would like to appeal their bicycle citation, please submit the Bike & Smoking Citation Appeals Form.
How does the program work?
- Participant is required to sign up for a scheduled bicycle safety class within 10 business days of a citation. Participant must register for a scheduled class. (make sure your registration form requests the citation date and logs the input time)
- It is up to the participant to remember to attend class on the scheduled day; there will not be automatic reminders.
- A check-in document will be provided at the end of each scheduled class. Participant must stay for the entire length of the class to receive attendance credit.
- Once the participant has successfully completed the class, $25 will be removed from the most recent citation on the account.
- This ticket diversion reduction is only available once per year for each participant, resetting at the beginning of each fall semester. Patrons can register for and attend the bicycle safety classes, without a reduction credit, as many times as desired.
More info about the class and what will be covered in it can be found on the Bronco Bike Safety page.