University Policy 4340
Effective Date
July 1991
Last Revision Date
February 20, 2025
Responsible Party
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, (208) 426-1202
Scope and Audience
This policy applies to all tenured and tenure-eligible faculty appointments, including those with joint administrative/faculty positions where appointment to the faculty begins after September 1, 2015. Pre-tenured faculty who were appointed prior to September 1, 2015, may choose to be evaluated under the tenure and promotion policies in effect at the time of their appointment. Tenured faculty seeking promotion to professor may choose to be evaluated under prior policies for a period not to exceed two (2) years after the effective date of this policy, after which this policy shall apply.
This policy does not apply to clinical and/or research faculty (see University Policy 4490 – Clinical Faculty) nor does it consider the periodic review of tenured faculty (see University Policy 4380 – Periodic Review of Tenured Faculty).
Additional Authority
- Idaho State Board of Education Policy, Section II.G.6.
Given the unprecedented circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, a Faculty Evaluation Procedural Appendix was approved in December, 2020, to provide procedural guidance for individuals and committees regarding performance evaluation during any period of time that has been designated an “affected term.” Accordingly, “[a]ll forms of Faculty performance evaluation that include an Affected Term within the review period shall be subject to the procedural adjustments described” in the Procedural Appendix. These adjustments include post-hoc workload adjustments. This Appendix has the force of policy.
To date, the following semesters have been declared affected terms:
- Spring/Summer/Fall 2020
- Spring/Summer/Fall 2021
- Spring 2022
Supervisors and faculty reviewers must apply the principles for evaluation outlined in the Appendix for all faculty during those periods, no subsequent reviewer may change them.
1. Policy Purpose
To establish criteria and guidelines for faculty tenure and promotion. This document replaces and/or updates separate University Policies 4340 (Faculty Tenure and Promotion Guidelines) and 4370 (Faculty Tenure Procedures – Deleted).
2. Definitions
2.1 Tenure
A condition of presumed continuous employment following the expiration of a probationary period and after meeting the appropriate criteria. After tenure has been awarded, the faculty member’s service may be terminated only for adequate cause; except in the case of retirement or financial exigency as declared by the State Board of Education; in situations where extreme shifts of enrollment have eliminated the justification for a position; or where the State Board of Education has authorized elimination of or a substantial reduction in a program.
Tenure status is available only to eligible, full-time institutional faculty members, as defined by the institution. (For the definition of “adequate cause,” see State Board Policies Section II, Subsection L.)
2.2 Departments and Colleges
For those operating units of the University not clearly defined by the usual academic notions of departments and colleges (e.g., schools), the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, in consultation with the unit, shall determine whether the unit is considered a department or a college for purposes of this document.
3. Policy Preamble
3.1 Philosophy
a. Two of the most important events in a faculty member’s career are the awarding of tenure and promotion in rank. The process by which tenure and promotions in rank are awarded reflects the very character of the University; both the University and its tenure and promotion process must be open, honest, and fair to all concerned parties in both fact and perception. This openness, honesty, and fairness influences faculty morale, the relationships of faculty members with students and colleagues, their perceptions of their roles in the University and broader community, and their perceptions of themselves. In turn, this defines the character of the University.
b. The guidelines used to award tenure and promotions in rank must encourage and reward faculty excellence. The guidelines presume that faculty members are already highly motivated and that they look to the promotion and tenure guidelines for direction as they seek to serve in ways most valuable to the faculty members’ departments and colleges, and to the University.
c. Further, the guidelines provide a link between faculty members’ workload assignments and their achievement of tenure and promotion. The guidelines must be sufficiently specific to ensure that faculty members understand the relationship between the nature of their workload responsibilities and successful attainment of tenure and promotion; and also to ensure that faculty tenure and promotion committees as well as administrators can understand these relationships and make judgments that remain consistent even as different people occupy these positions of responsibility. However, the guidelines must also leave ample room for professional judgment on the part of those faculty committees and administrators since each candidate for tenure and/or promotion presents a unique set of characteristics and services to the department, college, and University.
3.2 Relation to University and College Strategic Plans
A set of guidelines governing the awarding of tenure and promotion must be consistent with the overall long-term goals of the institution. The University strategic plan sets forth goals and objectives that the University will pursue on a near-term basis. Likewise, many colleges also have strategic plans. While these strategic plans are not likely to change the University’s long-term goals with regard to tenure and promotion, faculty members seeking tenure and promotion should be cognizant of these plans as they may reflect the University’s and the colleges’ priorities with respect to professional activities that should be undertaken by faculty.
3.3 Relation to College Workload Policy
When a faculty member seeks tenure and promotion, the faculty member’s record should be viewed in light of the workload policies developed by their department, college, and the University. The specific role that the individual has negotiated and/or been assigned within the department, college, and University must be considered in the decision to award tenure and/or promotion. These annually negotiated roles are a part of the faculty member’s annual evaluation process and shall be incorporated into the department, college, and University tenure and promotion decision processes.
3.4 Relation to College and Department Tenure and Promotion Guidelines
Each college shall develop its own tenure and promotion guidelines which further define the college’s expectations with regard to teaching, scholarly, creative, and research activities, and service. Each department shall also establish its own dean-approved tenure and promotion guidelines. The department may choose to adopt its respective college guidelines, or it may develop its own guidelines consistent with those college guidelines and further defining the department’s expectations regarding teaching, scholarly, creative, and research activities, and service; those departmental guidelines shall be used in the college’s tenure and promotion process. College and department guidelines shall be consistent with University policies. Faculty seeking tenure and promotion should be cognizant of these guidelines as the guidelines make more explicit the activities faculty are expected to undertake to receive favorable tenure and promotion recommendations from the department and college.
3.5 Biennial Review of Pre-Tenured Faculty
a. The decision to hire a tenure-eligible faculty member involves a significant commitment of resources by the department, college, and University, as well as by the faculty member. It is in the best interests of all concerned parties to ensure that the faculty member successfully obtains tenure. To facilitate this process, a department-level Biennial Tenure Progress Review shall be conducted for each pre-tenure, tenure-eligible faculty member during the spring semester of the second and fourth years of appointment. Annual reviews are encouraged but not required by this policy. The purpose of these reviews is to assist the pre-tenured faculty member by monitoring the faculty member’s progress and providing them with advice and encouragement as they work toward tenure.
b. Reviews will be conducted by a designated department personnel committee comprised of tenured faculty from the faculty member’s own department and will include a personal conference with the committee at or near the completion of each review. The department is responsible for determining the membership of the personnel committee for each pre-tenured candidate. In departments with no tenured faculty, the department chair shall serve as the personnel committee. This policy also encourages the department to identify a specific faculty member to serve as a mentor for the candidate.
c. The specific materials to be submitted and reviewed by the personnel committee shall be determined by college and department guidelines. This policy encourages those colleges and departments to include the materials supporting an application for tenure and/or promotion as described in Section 4.3.3. Thus, faculty being reviewed should provide the committee with materials demonstrating teaching effectiveness and professional commitment to teaching (including teaching evaluations), scholarly/creative/research activities, and service activities in a format directly related to their future tenure and/or promotion folders. Given the interim nature of the biennial review, colleges and departments may also require additional data regarding the faculty member’s work in progress, future plans, and any other materials that may assist the review process. Over time, the accumulated materials from these reviews should help the candidate develop their folder to apply for tenure and promotion.
d. Following each tenure progress review by the candidate’s personnel committee, the committee will prepare a written assessment of progress toward tenure, which will be submitted to the faculty member with a copy forwarded to the department chair for inclusion in the faculty member’s personnel file. If the faculty member wishes, the faculty member may attach a written response to this assessment which shall also be placed in the personnel file. If weaknesses in the candidate’s teaching, scholarly, creative, and research activities, and/or service are identified by the personnel committee, the department chair shall assist the faculty member with developing and implementing a plan of improvement. The department chair is responsible for forwarding a copy of the personnel committee’s report (and any faculty member response) to the Dean’s office.
4. Responsibilities and Procedures
4.1 Philosophy for Tenure and Promotion to Rank of Associate Professor or Professor
Tenure is a condition that ensures a free and open intellectual atmosphere that encourages faculty to remain at the University, thus strengthening the institution. Granting tenure and promotion implies a commitment by the institution to defend the academic member’s intellectual endeavors. Likewise, the faculty member who is awarded tenure and promotion makes an equally strong commitment to serve the students, the profession, and the institution in a manner befitting an academician.
4.1.1 Eligibility for Tenure
A candidate must have an earned doctorate, an equivalent terminal degree, or nationally recognized excellence in their field.
4.1.2 Probationary Period
a. Generally, faculty are expected to serve a five (5)-year probationary period before applying for tenure in their sixth year. However, at the time of initial appointment as faculty, the department chair, in accordance with departmental policy, may make a written recommendation to the Dean of the college, determining whether service at another institution shall apply toward the years of service required for tenure and promotion at Boise State University. For faculty initially hired above the rank of assistant professor, the probationary period required for tenure (and promotion, if appropriate) should be determined contractually through negotiation with the Dean of the college at the time of hiring. Any exceptions to the standard probationary period shall be documented and added to the faculty member’s personnel file and included in the tenure folder when the candidate applies for tenure.
b. Faculty must apply for tenure and promotion to associate professor (if applicable) by their sixth year. Since the criteria for tenure and for promotion to associate professor are the same, tenure may not be applied for independent of promotion to associate professor. However, faculty may be hired at the level of Associate Professor without tenure, in which case the faculty may apply for tenure without promotion to Full Professor at the time specified in the hiring letter. It is expected that most faculty will need to serve the entire five (5)-year probationary period to successfully be awarded tenure and promoted to associate professor. In exceptional cases, the faculty member may apply for tenure and promotion to associate professor in their fifth year.
c. Faculty may only apply for tenure once. Whether a faculty member applies for tenure in the sixth year or earlier, if tenure is denied, the faculty member will receive a terminal contract of one-year duration.
4.1.3 Extensions of the Probationary Period
Boise State University has an approved Family and Medical Leave policy (see University Policy 7230). In addition to the provisions of that policy, faculty shall be granted an extension of the probationary period in certain circumstances where the faculty member’s progress toward tenure is impeded. These circumstances include responsibilities related to childbirth/adoption (See University Policy 7610 – Paid Parental Leave), significant responsibilities with respect to elder/dependent care, disability/chronic illness, or other circumstances beyond the control of the faculty member. The procedures and policies for extensions are as follows:
a. Requests for extension of the the probationary period with respect to childbirth or adoption adoption will be automatically granted, per University Policy 7610 (Paid Parental Leave), and may be made at any time prior to the start of the year of tenure review. Other requests should be made in a timely manner, proximate to the events or circumstances that occasion the request. All requests should include appropriate documentation.
b. A request for extension of the probationary period with respect to childbirth and adoption responsibilities carries with it the presumption of approval for a one-year extension. Except to obtain necessary consultative assistance on medical or legal issues, only the Provost will have access to documentation pertaining to a request related to disability or chronic illness. For requests in circumstances beyond the faculty member’s control, the Provost will, at their discretion, determine if consultation with the dean and/or department is appropriate. The Provost shall notify the faculty member, department chair, and dean of their extension decision.
c. Multiple extension requests may be granted. All requests for probationary period extensions shall be made prior to commencing with a tenure or contract renewal review.
d. If a probationary period extension is approved, a reduction in productivity during the period of time addressed in the request should not prejudice a subsequent contract renewal decision.
e. Because an extension is only granted when a faculty member’s progress toward tenure is impeded, the faculty member’s productivity over the entire probationary period should be evaluated as if the extension never occurred; that is, the faculty member’s accomplishments over the extended probationary period should be viewed as if they had been accomplished in the shorter standard probationary period–the additional time due to the extension should not be a factor in the evaluation.
4.1.4 Evaluation Criteria
Following the expiration of the probationary period, tenure and promotion may be granted to tenure-eligible faculty who meet or exceed expectations based on their workload assignments as evaluated by their departments and colleges in each of the following three areas:
- Teaching
- Scholarly, creative, or research activities
- Service
a. All candidates for tenure and promotion must meet or exceed expectations in all three (3) areas as dictated by their workload assignments and as prescribed in the appropriate college and department guidelines. The means of determining when a candidate’s performance meets or exceeds expectations must also be specified in these policies. In no case could any candidate’s workload assignment specify nothing in one or more categories, as each area is essential, and every candidate must meet or exceed expectations in all three areas.
b. What constitutes meeting or exceeding expectations shall be determined by committees and administrators relative to each candidate’s workload assignment in accordance with established college and departmental tenure and promotion guidelines. For example, if a candidate’s workload assignment requires more service (such as serving as department chair) and less teaching and research, the expectation for excellence in teaching and research shall not be compromised but the expected volume of teaching and research may be reduced. Faculty asked to fill significant administrative roles, such as department chair, should negotiate their performance evaluation criteria and workloads with their departments and colleges before taking on such roles; these workload assignments shall be considered in evaluating these faculty members’ achievements in teaching and scholarship. External reviewers shall be informed of the candidate’s workload assignment and provided with additional data as needed to ensure proper evaluation of the accomplishments of the candidate.
(i.) Teaching: Demonstrated by effectiveness and professional commitment, teaching is a critical activity of the faculty at Boise State University. Candidates must demonstrate their commitment to effective teaching for tenure and/or promotion.
(ii.) Scholarly, Creative, or Research Activities: Each candidate for tenure and/or promotion must demonstrate a commitment to their discipline through scholarship, including peer-reviewed or juried creative and research activities and professional development/achievement.
(iii.) Service: Each candidate for tenure and/or promotion must demonstrate a commitment to serving Boise State University, their profession, and the community. This type of commitment is demonstrated by service to students (such as advising); participation and leadership in department, college, or University committees, the faculty senate, and professional organizations; and, as appropriate to their discipline, affairs of the local, state, or national community.
c. Colleges and departments shall establish guidelines to determine what constitutes evidence that a faculty member is committed to teaching, scholarly, creative, and research activities and service.
4.2 Criteria for Tenure and Rank
4.2.1 Assistant Professor
An earned doctorate, an equivalent terminal degree, or nationally recognized excellence in the faculty member’s field.
4.2.2 Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor
Certain activities listed below may fall into more than one category and may be listed in multiple categories as appropriate (e.g., a teaching innovation might also be the basis for a faculty member’s scholarly, creative, or research accomplishments).
4.2.2A Teaching
a. Academic and administrative faculty with teaching responsibilities
(i.) Evidence of teaching effectiveness must include:
- Official evaluations by students
- Department chair’s evaluations
- Peer evaluations (if used by the department)
(ii.) Other evidence of teaching effectiveness and commitment may include, but are not limited to, the items below:
- Efforts to increase teaching effectiveness; e.g., through use of innovation in teaching design, learning activities, use of technology
- Flexibility in accepting teaching assignments; e.g., number of course preparations, overloads, directed student learning, providing honors course opportunities to students
- Continuing professional development; e.g., participation in teaching conferences and workshops, development of technology skills pertinent to teaching, visiting comparison institutions
b. Library Faculty
Teaching effectiveness and support of the teaching, research, and learning mission of Boise State University through the effective practice of librarianship.
- Supervisor’s evaluations
- Documentation in support of major job responsibilities
- Continuing professional development through conferences, workshops, and courses
4.2.2B Scholarly, Creative, or Research Activities
For the purpose of promotion and tenure, Boise State University recognizes the Boyer model of scholarship, while expecting recognition of such work through peer review. This model identifies four types of scholarship: (1) discovering knowledge, (2) integrating knowledge, (3) applying knowledge, and (4) scholarship of teaching. While faculty are free to pursue each of these types of scholarship at Boise State University, colleges and departments may choose to focus their efforts on one or more of these types. Any college or departmental focus must be identified in the respective college and/or department tenure and promotion guidelines.
Examples of appropriate evidence include but are not limited to, the items below.
a. Academic and administrative faculty with teaching responsibilities
(i.) Dissemination of new knowledge through
- Refereed publications
- Expository writing such as textbooks, research synopses, or other syntheses of knowledge
- Presentations at scholarly or professional meetings
- Published reviews of professional publications
(ii.) Creative work (performances, poetry, drama, artwork and design, competitions) recognized by peer review or jury
(iii.) Applied or theoretical research, including teaching research
(iv.) Sponsored projects
(v.) Professional recognition by scholars at other institutions with knowledge of the faculty member’s field
b. Library Faculty
(i.) Scholarship as evidenced by professional publications
(ii.) Achievements in bibliographical activities
(iii.) Professional recognition of accomplishments by scholars at other institutions with knowledge of the library faculty member’s field
4.2.2C Service
Examples of appropriate evidence include but are not limited to, the items below.
a. Student advising and/or other services to students above and beyond classroom instruction
b. Professional service in the discipline, such as
(i.) Editor or member of an editorial board for an academic or professional journal
(ii.) Professional committee or organization involvement
(iii.) Refereeing of texts or papers in the discipline
c. Institutional service such as:
(i.) Participating in University, college, or departmental committees and the faculty senate
(ii.) Efforts on behalf of University-related projects
(iii.) Community activities that benefit the University
(iv.) Administrative or other assigned responsibilities within the University, college, or department
d. Public or community service, such as:
(i.) Pro bono consulting
(ii.) Using professional abilities for the community’s benefit
4.2.3 Professor
a. The rank of professor represents the highest academic achievement and should be reserved for individuals who are truly and demonstrably outstanding among their peers. Thus, a candidate for professor is expected to have achieved additional distinction clearly above that of an associate professor, including clear national and international recognition for their work. Evidence supporting this distinction might include letters of support, national and international journal publications and conference proceedings, and/or academic and professional awards and recognitions.
b. Criteria for application for promotion to the rank of professor include all of the criteria for tenure and promotion to associate professor, as well as four (4) full years of service as Associate Professor at an accredited institution of higher learning before applying for promotion in their fifth (5th) year as an Associate Professor. (Note that promotion to professor is not assumed to be automatic after any time period.) A faculty member may apply for promotion no earlier than during their third full year of employment at Boise State University, except under extraordinary circumstances.
4.3 Procedure
Materials submitted in a tenure and/or promotion case shall be organized as follows: 1.) Introductory Materials, which contains the relevant data that will be reviewed by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and must conform to the specifications provided by the Provost. Those specifications shall be maintained on the Provost’s office website; 2.) Additional/Supplemental Materials, which contains the supporting materials for the candidate’s Introductory Materials that are used by a department personnel committee, the department chairperson, and the college tenure and promotion committee to better understand and evaluate the candidate’s accomplishments; and 3.) Internal Case Sections, which include the external review letters as well as the recommendations from each level of review during the tenure and promotion process.
4.3.1 Introductory Materials
While the requirements of the Introductory Materials may change from year-to-year, the list below is illustrative of what candidates may be expected to submit.
a. An application letter expressing the desire to be considered for promotion and/or tenure and a statement confirming that prerequisites have been addressed. For pre-tenured faculty appointed prior to September 1, 2015, or for tenured faculty seeking promotion to professor within two (2) years of the effective date of this policy, the cover letter should indicate whether the candidate is choosing to be considered under the prior applicable tenure and promotion policies or under these policies.
b. A current vitae containing the candidate’s professional preparation, professional experience, research and scholarly activity, teaching assignments for the past three (3) academic years (including classes taught, credit hours, student load), and professional, community and University service.
c. Annual evaluations by the department chairperson and the department personnel committee (if in use) for all academic years if going up for tenure and at least the past three (3) academic years for those going up for promotion.
d. A summary of official student evaluations for all courses for at least the past three (3) academic years (do not include individual evaluation forms). If the students’ evaluations are quantitative in nature (i.e., students are asked to give numeric scores to a series of evaluation questions), then the average scores to each question are sufficient. Also include all peer evaluations that have been conducted.
4.3.2 Additional/Supplemental Materials
This part of the candidate’s packet contains the evidence to support the materials described in the Introductory Materials.
a. General
- A copy of the prior years’ service letters (if applicable).
- A summary of the significance of accomplishments and their relationship to the faculty member’s workload assignments during the period under review and a discussion of the potential for future achievements (e.g., in the areas of teaching, research, scholarly, and creative activity, and service).
- A copy of all workload assignments for the period under review.
b. A statement of teaching philosophy followed by supporting evidence of teaching accomplishments.
c. A statement of scholarly, creative, and/or research philosophy and plans for future activity followed by supporting evidence of scholarly, creative, and/or research accomplishments.
d. A statement of service philosophy followed by supporting evidence of service accomplishments.
4.3.3 Internal Case Sections
In this part of the candidate’s case, the following materials will be uploaded into the candidate’s case at each stage of the process outlined in Section 4.3.4.
- Department or unit personnel committee’s recommendation (if in use).
- Department chairperson’s recommendation.
- College tenure and promotion committee’s recommendation.
- Dean’s recommendation.
- External letters of reference. (Not viewable by the candidate)
4.3.4 Process
The following process shall be used in making a recommendation to award or deny tenure and/or promotion to a faculty member:
a. The candidate shall notify the department chair of their intent to apply for tenure and/or promotion and provide a list of at least three (3) potential external reviewers from other institutions. Reviewers should be sufficiently independent of the candidate to provide fair and impartial reviews; they should not normally include mentors or recent collaborators of the candidate. The candidate may also identify individuals that shall be excluded as reviewers. In the event that the department chair is applying for promotion, the dean, or designee, shall take the place of the department chair in the promotion process. The qualifications of the reviewers selected shall be documented and any relationships to the candidate disclosed. The candidate shall not contact the reviewer in connection with their candidacy.
b. The department chair is responsible for obtaining a minimum of three (3) external letters for a tenure and/or promotion candidate’s application and determining which potential external reviewers are asked to provide letters. The chair should solicit external reviewer names from the candidate’s personnel committee and other faculty in the department. At least one external reviewer shall come from a recommendation other than the candidate. Letters should clearly state that reviews shall not be made available to the candidate and should clearly delineate the scope of the review (e.g., that they are limited to a review of professional service and scholarly activity and do not require nor constitute a recommendation of the candidate by the reviewer).
c. The candidate shall submit their application through the University-approved electronic system. The department chair will ensure that the three (3) (or more) external letters, along with the documentation supporting the qualifications of the reviewers and their relationships to the candidate, have been submitted to the candidate’s case in the electronic system. At no time will the external review letters be available to the candidate.
d. The application will then be available to the candidate’s personnel committee for review. For consideration of promotion to Full Professor, the candidate’s personnel committee shall have at least one full professor on the committee, if possible. At this time, the department chair shall add an addendum page to the application materials where all changes made to the application after the date of submission shall be listed. In the event that the department chair is applying for promotion to full professor the application shall be forwarded directly to the college committee and steps e. and f. below shall be omitted.
e. The candidate’s personnel committee shall make a departmental recommendation to the department chair, which will also be available to the candidate.
f. The chair shall prepare their recommendation, which will also be available to the candidate, and forward the application to the college’s tenure and promotion committee.
g. The college tenure and promotion committee shall review the qualifications of the candidates for promotion and make its recommendation. The composition of that committee, which is constituted by the Dean of the college, is described in University Policy 4310 (Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee Duties and Composition). Within three (3) days of its decision, the chair of the college tenure and promotion committee shall place the committee’s written recommendation into the candidate’s application materials and provide a copy to the candidate. If the committee’s recommendation is to deny tenure and/or promotion, the faculty member may request a meeting with the committee within five (5) working days of the notification. If requested, the committee must grant a meeting with the faculty member within five (5) working days of the request. Within three (3) working days of meeting with the candidate, a written final recommendation shall be added to the application materials and made available to the candidate. The application will then be forwarded to the Dean of the college.
h. The Dean shall make their recommendation to grant or deny tenure and/or promotion. The Dean shall submit their recommendation within three (3) working days of the decision; the recommendation will be available to the candidate. If the Dean’s recommendation is to deny tenure and/or promotion, the faculty member may, within five (5) working days of the notification, request a meeting with the Dean. If requested, the Dean shall grant a meeting within five (5) working days of the request. The Dean shall make a final recommendation. The candidate’s application will then be forwarded to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs who, in turn, forwards their recommendation to the President.
i. The President (in consultation with the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs) shall make their decision to award or deny tenure and/or promotion. The President shall notify the faculty member of their decision. If the President’s decision is to deny tenure and/or promotion, the faculty member has five (5) working days from the date of notification to exercise their right to request a meeting with the President. The President will meet with the faculty member in person or virtually, as agreed upon by both parties, within thirty (30) days from the date of the request.
4.3.5 Deadlines
In the semester that tenure-eligible candidates must apply for tenure and promotion, those who fail to meet the deadline for declaring their intent to apply for tenure and promotion as stipulated in subsection a. of this section and who fail to submit a completed tenure application (except for external review letters) by the deadline stipulated in subsection b. of this section will automatically be denied tenure and will receive a notice of non-reappointment following the notification requirements under University Policy 4460 (Nonreturnees – Faculty). Exceptions to those deadlines are at the discretion of the dean.
a. In order to ensure the timely receipt of all external reviewers’ letters, candidates for tenure and/or promotion must notify their departments in writing that they plan to apply no later than April 1 of the year they plan to put forward their application. All approved department, college, and University tenure and promotion guidelines in effect on April 1 shall apply to the application. Changes to those guidelines after April 1 shall not apply to the current application. An early applicant for tenure or an applicant for promotion to professor may withdraw from the process at any time prior to October 15th without penalty.
b. Candidates and department chairs will coordinate the submission of appropriate materials to facilitate the completion of the external reviews in a timely manner.
c. By September 15*, the candidate shall submit the tenure and/or promotion packet to the department through the electronic system. The department chair shall make the packet available to the department personnel committee.
d. By October 15*, the department chair or designee shall submit the departmental personnel committee and chairperson recommendations to the candidate’s case in the electronic system. The case will then move forward to the appropriate college tenure and promotion committee.
e. By December 1*, the college tenure and promotion committee will submit its recommendation to the candidate’s case in the electronic system, and the candidate shall be notified of the recommendation.
f. By December 15*, the college tenure and promotion committee shall move the candidate’s case forward to the appropriate Dean.
g. By January 15*, the Dean shall submit their recommendation to the candidate’s case in the electronic system, and the candidate shall be notified of the recommendation.
h. By January 31*, the Dean shall move the candidate’s case forward in the electronic system to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
i. By March 1*, the President shall notify each candidate of their decision.
*Or the next business day if the date falls on a weekend. Materials must be submitted by 9:59 PM MT on the dates they are due. Exceptions must be approved by the department/unit leader and sent to
5. Appendix A: Tenure and Promotion Table
6. Related Information
University Policy 4310 (Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee Duties and Composition)
University Policy 4380 (Periodic Review of Tenured Faculty)
University Policy 4460 (Nonreturnees – Faculty)
University Policy 4490 (Clinical Faculty)
University Policy 7230 (Family and Medical Leave)
University Policy 7610 (Paid Parental Leave)
Revision History
July 1995; July 1998; March 2000; July 2003; July 2008; April 2015; February 03, 2022; November 08, 2023; July 29, 2024; February 20, 2025