Discover Your Future
The College of Engineering is a great place to discover your passions as you embark on your higher education journey. With an unshakable focus on learning, as a COEN student you’ll be a vital part of a diverse and innovative community. Our faculty and staff have the highest professional standards and integrity, allowing you the ability to create, thrive, and reflect during your time in the college.
We invite you to explore our degree programs and discover your passion in engineering, computer science, and construction management!
Engineering and Innovation Living Learning Community
The Engineering and Innovation Community (EIC) is a living-learning community for those interested in technical disciplines. The focus of the EIC is on academic success with the primary activities centered on academic support. There is also special attention to preparing students for a career by exposing students to topics that are not always included in the formal curriculum, such as communication and presentation skills, along with teamwork and group process. Advising sessions are offered in the community in addition to regular faculty office hours. Residents will also participate in weekly community meals.
For more information about the EIC and why you should apply to be a resident visit the Engineering and Innovation LLC page.
Internships are an important aspect of student learning in the College of Engineering. Internships allow students the opportunity to obtain relevant work experience prior to graduation. This experience helps students remain competitive when seeking full-time jobs or pursuing graduate research opportunities. Over 80% of COEN undergraduates work in research labs or have internships before graduating. This has led to over 70% of graduates securing post-graduate plans within six months of graduating, including 10% continuing their pursuit of graduate degrees.
The biggest factor for not finding jobs is whether students obtained relevant experience prior to graduation. Click the link to learn more about internships that offer both financial support and career-enhancing opportunities.
The College of Engineering offers several scholarships to both graduate and undergraduate students. All scholarships are awarded based on academic achievement. In addition, some scholarships require demonstration of financial need. To apply for any of the following go to the Financial Aid Scholarship website.
Find Support
Students in the College of Engineering are supported by our amazing team of academic advisors and student support staff who assist with course planning, career guidance, and directing you to academic resources. Let us help you make the most of your college experience!
Student Organizations
The College of Engineering offers over 25 student organizations to the university’s 200+ clubs allowing students the opportunity to meet new people, have fun, and explore passions outside of the classroom.